ecQ Server app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Empire Creative
First release : 09 May 2012
App size: 634.55 Kb
Everyday, there must appear a crowd of people stuffed on every famous restaurants, scenic spots, clinics and etc. Some of them are expressionless, some are impatient, and some are lose temper. Those of them also want to enjoy the service after queueing, however, they may need to pay for 1-2 hours of their valuable time. As a service provider, do you want to let your customers suffering from this bad situation?
Its time to change. An app - "ecQ Server" which is specifically designed for solving queueing problem was born. With "ecQ Server", you dont need to invest huge amount of money or time to build your queue-ticketing management system. If you have already got an iPhone / iPod / iPad, you may download and install this multi-functional app from Apple App Store for FREE immediately. From then on, the ticket calling number as well as shop information and promotion will be published to the Internet in real time. Working with client-side app "ecQ", your customers may be free from "Bored Queueing" outside your shop.
Main features:
✔ Flexible ticket setting
✔ Real time publish ticket calling number to the Internet
✔ Publish add-on shop information and promotion to customers app "ecQ"
✔ Display ticket calling screen on TV
✔ Multimedia slide show for displaying pictures and videos (Applicable to iPad only)
✔ Rolling text (Applicable to iPad only)
✔ Flexible ticket calling screen layout
✔ Customize background image, let you build your own style ticket calling system (Applicable to iPad only)
✔ By generic setting and interface, usage is unlimited. It will not be bounded to restaurants, scenic spots, clinics, but also all places which are needed to queue.
"ecQ Server" is extremely simple to use and totally FREE. What are you waiting for?
Download it NOW! Your customers must enjoy the "Freedom of Queueing".
現在是時候改變了,一個專為舒解排隊輪候而研發的Apps - "ecQ Server" 終於面世,有了 "ecQ Server",你無需投資大量金錢和時間去打造一套在線排隊輪候系統,只要你手上有一部 iPhone / iPod / iPad,你便可即時免費擁有一套集多樣功能於一身的排隊管理及宣傳系統,讓籌號及宣傳資訊即時發佈至互聯網,配合人客版的 "ecQ",顧客便可即時解除呆呆地在店外等叫號的束縛了。
✔ 靈活排隊籌號設定
✔ 實時在線更新叫號
✔ 發佈額外宣傳資訊到人客版的 "ecQ"
✔ 叫號畫面輸出至電視
✔ 播放多媒體幻燈片 (照片及影片) (只適用於 iPad)
✔ 走馬燈文字 (只適用於 iPad)
✔ 靈活版面佈置
✔ 可選用自己設計的背景,打造獨一無二的叫號畫面 (只適用於 iPad)
✔ 憑著綜合操作方法及介面,令用途不限於景點、食肆、醫務所,對於任何需要排隊輪籌的地方,均適合使用
"ecQ Server" 用法簡單,而且完全免費,你還等什麼,請火速下載,即時為你的顧客提供貼心的排隊體驗吧!